The Department of Biosafety and Human Health conducts research to enhance methods and technologies of physical therapy for various segments of the musculoskeletal system and the technical means used in these technologies, particularly methods and means for the restoration of injuries and deformities of the foot.
Name of the research project: No. 0117 U 002933 “Development of physical therapy technologies and technical means of its implementation”
Head of the research project: Doctor of Medicine, Professor I.Y. Khudetskyi
Updated registration card (to 2027)
In 2020-2021, the Department of Biosafety and Human Health conducted research within the project 2020.01/0464 “Development of the concept of training and professional development of specialists in biosafety and biosecurity” with grant support from the National Research Foundation of Ukraine within the competition “Science for Human and Society Security.”
The object of research is the national system of biosafety, biohazard management, and biosecurity. The subject of the study is the system of training specialists in biosafety and biosecurity within the specialty 163 – Biomedical Engineering for applicants for the second (master’s) level of higher education and advanced training of specialists in biosafety, biohazard management, and biosecurity.
The aim of the study is the scientific substantiation of the concept of training specialists in biosafety and biosecurity within the specialty 163 – Biomedical Engineering for applicants for the second (master’s) level of higher education and advanced training of employees of enterprises (institutions) of various industries (including defense) and military personnel.
Research methodology includes the formation and research of the biosafety and biosecurity system; practical methods of work, decontamination, and protection of personnel; formation of a contingent selection system for training biosafety and biosecurity specialists within the specialty 163 – Biomedical Engineering for applicants for the second (master’s) level of higher education and advanced training in biosafety and biosecurity; research of the effectiveness of personal protective equipment.
Результати. Проведено аналіз сучасного стану забезпечення біобезпеки в Україні та розроблено концепцію підготовки фахівців з біобезпеки та біозахисту в рамках спеціальності 163 – Біомедична інженерія для здобувачів другого (магістерського) рівня вищої освіти та концепцію перепідготовки фахівців (підвищення кваліфікації) з питань управління біобезпекою та біозахистом. Розроблено освітньо-професійну програму підготовки фахівців з біобезпеки та біозахисту в рамках спеціальності 163 – Біомедична інженерія для здобувачів другого (магістерського) рівня вищої освіти. Розроблено положення та організацію лабораторії моделювання біозагроз та управління біобезпекою. Розроблено положення та організацію лабораторії індикаціїта ідентифікації біозагроз.
Отримані в рамках виконання проєкту результати спільно з результатами отриманими на наступних етапах дозволять реалізувати навчально-науковий та науково-практичний центр з біобезпеки та біозахисту.
Results: The analysis of the current state of biosafety in Ukraine was conducted, and the concept of training specialists in biosafety and biosecurity within the specialty 163 – Biomedical Engineering for applicants for the second (master’s) level of higher education and the concept of retraining specialists (advanced training) in biosafety and biosecurity management were developed. The educational and professional program for training specialists in biosafety and biosecurity within the specialty 163 – Biomedical Engineering for applicants for the second (master’s) level of higher education was developed. The regulations and organization of the laboratory for modeling biohazards and biosafety management were developed. Regulations and organization of the laboratory for bioterrorism indication and identification were also developed.
The results obtained within the framework of the project, along with the results obtained at the next stages, will allow for the implementation of an educational, scientific, and practical center for biosafety and biosecurity.
Scientific supervisor of the research: Head of the Department, Ph.D., Prof. Igor Khudetskyi
Within the framework of the First International Scientific and Practical Conference “BIOSAFETY AND MODERN REHABILITATION TECHNOLOGIES” BIOSAFETY AND MODERN REHABILITATION TECHNOLOGIES CONFERENCE FBMI, NTUU “KPI” 2021 (November 15-16, 2021), a public discussion of the project of the Educational and professional program “BIOSAFETY AND BIOSECURITY” of the Second (Master’s) level of higher education in the specialty 163 Biomedical Engineering was held, which was posted for review:
ОПП 163 біобезпека варіант 26-09-2021 (2)
The Regulations on the organization of the training and research laboratory “Bioterrorism Modeling and Biosafety Management” are available here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EbmQrqrF2Q0A9jKXdgEIm0w_7kEGmniF/view?usp=sharing
The Regulations on the organization of the training and research laboratory “Indication and Identification of Biological Threats” are available here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1978EJoiSoNMxYS7vOnj6J3pufplzKxYr/view?usp=sharing
The concept of training specialists in biosafety and biosecurity within the specialty 163 – Biomedical Engineering for applicants for the second (master’s) level of higher education is available here:
The concept of retraining of specialists (advanced training) in biosafety and biosecurity management is available at the link:
A program to improve the skills of employees of enterprises (institutions) in various industries and military personnel in biosafety and biosecurity management. https://drive.google.com/file/d/15FtfCWQVcLVEVVujP49Ynskoi9fgTfNS/view?usp=sharing
Фінальна версія Освітньо-професійної програми “Біобезпека та біозахист”